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Topic subjectThere are songs that were that direct
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12862069, There are songs that were that direct
Posted by Starbaby Jones, Thu Jul-23-15 02:56 PM
>and we know what Maggie Jones's meant when she said "Anybody
>Here Want to Try My Cabbage?".
>But let's not act like that's the same as "Fuck a pussy
>, Fuck a pussy until it’s numb." Not even the worst
>lyrics I could find just the first thing of the first track of
>this future Album I was listening too.
>I mean I came of age in the 1990s, a period when lyrics were
>arguably worse (ninja's still bragging about killing
>But don't act like music has always been like this.

But it has, just not in the mainstream. Now, if we're talking pop culture, in general getting more vulgar, that's on society-at-large, not just black entertainers.

>Again, y'all act like the alternative is the Model Negro. Not
>the case.

So, what are you proposing, because the arguments you're making are generally associated with respectability politics that advance the myth of the model negro?

>Again, this isn't about white folks or being respectable to
>them. Said it in my last point. Forget them.
>Y'all seem to not be able to think about this not in terms of
>white people.

That's because it's disingenuous to discuss American Black culture without that context. So much of our pop culture, its consumption and critiques are tied to how we're viewed by white people.

>My question is do black people listening and watching this
>stuff from black entertainers do anything negative to us and
>how we view ourselves?

I think the effects of poverty are far greater. One's homelife generally determine's how one processes entertainment. I think that's a much bigger factor in the state of our community.

>And if not, then why are folks constantly complaining about
>negative portrayals of black people in the media??!

Because it's one-sided. Granted, I can only speak for myself. For me, it's not about eliminating negative portrayals of black people all together. It's about having there be a balance to show that we're complex and varied.