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Topic subjectI saw the dash cam of this, it doesnt show the whole thing
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12858067&mesg_id=12858405
12858405, I saw the dash cam of this, it doesnt show the whole thing
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Jul-20-15 04:45 PM
but you see the guy walking towards Kerrick and dude unloaded a clip into him.

he tried to hit him with the taser but it missed.

there were 2 other cops on the scene, both of them were black. neither fired a shot.

not sure why dude walked towards the white cop but I think he was concussed and not in his right mind due to the car crash.

he didn't have any drugs in his system either.