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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectJust a vent
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12856370&mesg_id=12856370
12856370, Just a vent
Posted by JellyBean, Fri Jul-17-15 10:05 AM
So I'm a trained chef right...but I don't work in a restaurant. I work for social services. Every once in a while I like to get my culinary on...it's usually at breakfast time--and only on weekends.

My baby told me the other day that she wanted a restaurant breakfast. I was like you know mommy can make you a restaurant breakfast, right? She was like no you can't...you're a mommy not a chef--that hurt the hell out of my feelings. It lead me to believe that I'm not living up to my potential. Like Kilan. He's doing the damn thing in this culinary world, I envy him. He's been able to create a balance in his life and his dreams. Props to him! Here I am still doing taco (and not even fancy schmancy tacos) Tuesdays in my own kitchen.

It makes me sad. It was while I was in culinary school that I felt the most fulfilled. Then I became a mother...while fulfilling in it's own way...I, Jessica the person, am feeling empty.

I said all of this to say, I think it's time for me to tap into my potential. If you have something that you're good at or something that you have/had a passion for...you owe it to yourself to at the very least pursue and explore that part of who you are.