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Topic subjectgood advice
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12852892&mesg_id=12853911
12853911, good advice
Posted by godleeluv, Wed Jul-15-15 07:09 AM
My schedule is different every day but I read daily and spend at least an hour playing with him. I work in customer service so when I get off some days it takes me a little whip to be able to give him my full attention. Some days I get off at 8m, some days 9pm, some 10 or 11 pm. And i stand on my feet all day and constantly have to multitask. I usually have 3 days off a week and most weeks I spend at least one whole day with him but its not any particular consistent day of the week. He has to be at daycare at 9:30 am and they follow a consistent schedule daily. At tho point in trying to get him in bed early every night. The latest by 9. But on the nights I get him at 11 and he is still awake, it throws everything off.
Music is almost everything.