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Topic subjectmaybe he is too stimulated
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12852892&mesg_id=12853789
12853789, maybe he is too stimulated
Posted by godleeluv, Tue Jul-14-15 07:34 PM
By having too many toys or too many distractions. That is what I thought at first. But even when toys are limited and when we sit together and just play one on one he is distracted. I took him today to the library and he enjoyed that but he wants to do his own thing and there were a lot of distractions there. I have no problem taking partial responsibility for his hyper behavior and don't mind trying new things to address the issue like getting him involved in more physical activities. I am only one person tho and at the end of the day I still have to look into what is bed for him overall. Now that I have referrals to other doctors I can hopefully speak with ones that will listen and try new methods.
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