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Topic subjecti looked up information on adhd and i saw that
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12852892&mesg_id=12853214
12853214, i looked up information on adhd and i saw that
Posted by godleeluv, Tue Jul-14-15 01:06 PM
A lot of the symptoms were both adhd and normal toddler behavior. Since they are so hard to distinguish, I am going to wait on looking more into medicine for him. I do think the issue is he needs to play outdoors more and I had been thinking about swimming lessons for him. I still am getting used to talking to him instead of getting frustrated with him because he needs extra attention. I just need to stay focused on the goal. Some of yall said this would get frustrating but today at the end of the appointment I felt great that I got through the embarrassment and actually got through to my son. We waited forever I'm that Dr office, but by then he had calmed down and just played with my cell phone screen and sat on the floor while I read a magazine. So yeah, he might not need medication ever but he definitely doesn't need it now. The last thing I want him to be is a zombie.(me assuming that's what the meds would do, I may be wrong).
Music is almost everything.