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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectSo you want to medicate a toddler?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12852892&mesg_id=12853136
12853136, So you want to medicate a toddler?
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Tue Jul-14-15 12:36 PM
Take some parenting classes so you can get some effective techniques for discipline, enrichment, deescalation and understand normal child development before you go medicating your kid who is probably fine.
The fact that your kid is so young and you're talking about medicating it tells me that you need the help, not the kid.
There is no shame in seeking help for yourself with a mental health provider or alcohol anonomous or what ever the fuck you need to get the parenting skills to be a better parent.
If you're seriously concerned about your childs devopment take them to a child psychologist and have them tested... not medicated. They will probably give you activites for both of you to do to address issues if there actually are any.