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Topic subjectSo he won't get re-elected? / *Scust at these quotes*
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12823394, So he won't get re-elected? / *Scust at these quotes*
Posted by Kira, Fri Jun-05-15 12:58 PM

>“He’s so down on me,” said Gene Reilly, a 71-year-old
>Democrat from Manhattan’s Cooper Square neighborhood who is
>white. “He’s looking out for the poor.”
>Mr. de Blasio, also a Democrat, rode into office on a
>landslide in 2013, taking 73% of the vote. But the racial
>divide was there from the beginning. While winning 85% of
>Hispanic voters and 96% of black voters, he captured just 54%
>of the white vote.
>A year and a half later, the mayor’s approval rating among
>whites is at 32%, according to a Wall Street Journal-NBC
>4-Marist Poll in May. That compares with a 49% approval rating
>among Hispanics and 59% among blacks.
>The heart of the mayor’s political support, in his campaign
>and in his administration, has been New Yorkers of color and
>liberals. They responded to his calls to address income
>inequality and de-emphasize long-standing policies that had a
>disproportionate impact on the poor and minorities, including
>the street-policing tactic known as stop-and-frisk.
>Yet in interviews, many white voters said they were
>increasingly concerned about crime, and they faulted the mayor
>for how he had handled policing issues.

HOW IN THE FUCK ARE THEY CONCERNED ABOUT CRIME? NYPD, seriously go research this, pulled over EVERY BLACK MALE IN NYC. What crime are they talking about?

>And many said the mayor’s loyalty to his base and his
>liberal agenda had left them uneasy.
>Some cited his decision to continue a losing battle last year
>to raise taxes on the wealthy to pay for his prekindergarten
>program even after New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo had made state
>funding available.
>“He thinks it’s all the fault of the rich,” said Aida
>Gurwicz, a 69-year-old retiree on the Upper East Side.


>Some said they felt overlooked or even abandoned by the
>“I think he has good intentions…yes, I’m glad you’re
>giving something to the lower class. But what about the middle
>class? He has to deliver something for us,” said Ellen
>Warmstein, 62, of Rockaway Beach.


>And many white voters said they struggled to identify with Mr.
>de Blasio, who followed two mayors with deep reserves of white
>support— Rudolph Giuliani among the working class and Mr.
>Bloomberg among the well-to-do business set.
>“He’s almost a social-communist,” Rochelle Weinberg, a
>Democrat from the Queens neighborhood of Forest Hills, said of
>the mayor. “He’s out of town all the time. He’s
>disrespectful and shows up late. I can’t stand him.
>Everything he does makes me angry.”

WAT? What is social-communism? It sounds like they think he's President hmmm....

>Nicholas Valentino, a political-science professor at the
>University of Michigan who studies race, said Mr. de
>Blasio’s waning support among white voters hinted at their
>discomfort with their shifting role in the city.
>“They’re used to having representation that feels like
>them,” Mr. Valentino said. “This is an anxiety about
>attention to certain groups that aren’t their group.”


>“You don’t have to read the tea leaves to read which way
>things are going,” said Stanley Bleeker, 62, of the Mill
>Basin neighborhood of Brooklyn.
>“I believe that he is genuflecting to the black community,
>to Mr. Sharpton and all the race baiters, to bring them
>into some kind of inner circle.”


I ain't never rooted for a forced reversal of gentrification this hard EVER. One day I'm going to look up and shit has gotten real to the point of action. Landlords getting kicked out of communities for their tactics and police fired over abuse. Someone has to stop gentrification.

>“You always want to make sure you’re talking to and
>connecting with the residents and citizens of the city,” he
>said. “So we’re mindful of it, yet I would say that we
>also have a lot of belief in the agenda that we’re putting
>forward, as an agenda that will resonate with voters of all
>backgrounds. We don’t view it as an agenda that caters to
>one constituency or another.”

I can't live in NYC because this would piss me off to the point of action. They're trying to force out black people AND have the people currently living there in a police state. However, it's okay because it makes the white citizens feel safe seeing all black people pulled over.