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Topic subjectCersei gets the mothers mercy
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12778969&mesg_id=12817414
12817414, Cersei gets the mothers mercy
Posted by ambient1, Fri May-29-15 11:07 AM
whatever that is and entails

--Jon Snow comes thru with some wildlings...hopefully a giant or 2 to help Stan

--Stannis is in the same pickle he was in when he first met Davos...(the whole onion king story) cept he in the snow

--Jamie n Bronn....not sure

--Sansa/Brienne/Reek/Bolton Boys....not sure...

--The (p)Imp gets in good graces with Khaleesi....Khaleesi's boo and Jorah gonna get into it...some kinda way....Jorah might end up @ the wall.....some kinda way

--the Black Dragon gonna blaze somebody...not sure who....

--Arya....idk...i got her dropping out of the University of Changing Faces soon

Cersei not dying tho...
Brienne might
Theon might