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Topic subjecti wish it were just a mentality
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12814818&mesg_id=12815537
12815537, i wish it were just a mentality
Posted by akon, Wed May-27-15 11:55 AM

>but yeah...it's just a mentality...exposure
>helps...alot...taking them to visit the colleges and see what
>life can be like
>words don't mean much

instead of it translating in poor grades
its kind of hard to be like, the decisions you are making today
will have consequences in the future
and then have someone turn around and be like, the future is not guaranteed,
i mean, wtf?

>Morgan right up the street and its a TOTALLY different world
>on that campus than it is outside of it...
>same with hopkins and the like

havent been to morgan state (i should).
i do think hopkins would be hard because there is so little support (i feel- at least in the school of public health where im at)
and i live by the undergrad campus and i can tell it sucks (such a dead campus)

so, maybe we'll explore morgan state.
