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Topic subjectre: it's always been too few and far between
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12814818&mesg_id=12815337
12815337, re: it's always been too few and far between
Posted by BigJazz, Wed May-27-15 10:08 AM
i think what's missing is that consistency. stop turning it on and off.

you ever see a certain crime on tv and say to yourself "oh, they gonna catch whoever behind this. i give it 3, 4 days tops".

then you watch it play out and the person gets caught. when that happens, i think it's an example of police using the intelligence they have and tapping into that information system and having a positive affect on crime.

it shows they're capable of policing effectively. just gotta do it consistently.

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...