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Topic subjectwhat is your current level of engagement at work?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12814202&mesg_id=12814202
12814202, what is your current level of engagement at work?
Posted by BigJazz, Wed Dec-31-69 07:00 PM
where are you and why? i'm also interested in your position in the company.

this poll was inspired by a person at a cookout getting a phone call from their director on the holiday. not only did she ignore the call but she spent the next 15 minutes talking about how crazy the director had to be for contacting her on the holiday...a holiday that she had off from work. cuz if it ain't between the hours of 8am-5pm M-F when she's scheduled to work, she won't answer a call or text about work and she damn sure ain't checking her emails.

it made me think about different levels of engagement. throughout my career i've been in all of the stages listed on the poll...

Poll question: what is your current level of engagement at work?

Poll result (32 votes)
i'm fully engaged. all in. like the Office Space waiter with 37 pieces of flair (5 votes)Vote
for the most part, i'm on board with what goes on here. i usually care (9 votes)Vote
i try to give a damn but they be buggin so to keep my piece of mind i tune out (7 votes)Vote
i couldn't possibly care less about this place. i do just enough to not get fired (10 votes)Vote
i work with Tommy from Martin (1 votes)Vote