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Topic subjectits totally natural but if you recogonize it
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12812631&mesg_id=12812664
12812664, its totally natural but if you recogonize it
Posted by initiationofplato, Fri May-22-15 11:21 AM
you can strengthen the blood line by breaking the habits/shortcomings you picked up from your folks

its funny i was going to make this post yesterday but you beat me to it

i feel its the children's responsibility to their future children to "rewrite their genetic code", so to speak

on the inverse, you have to keep in mind, your parents are passing down things they picked up from their parents and on it goes

ultimately, human beings have had a lot of difficulties becoming civilized and acclimatized to industrial socialization, so a lot of fucks up were bound to happen.

every child should be an improvement on the social dna template you're working with

its important to realize what is inherent to you and what you are emulating from your parents

i read an article in a man's magazine when i was like 13. it was maxim and i took it to the bathroom to beat off but the article caught my eye and i read it, and it was an "anger test", i took it and realized i failed and then i started thinking about where i picked all this anger up and sure enough, it was partially related to my dad, so, at that exact moment i made a point to recognize all the things ive picked up and began walking in the opposite direction, and this is probably why my parents and i had such a hard time with one another, i was rejecting everything they were attempting to instill in me and looking for my own way, ironically, i still picked up a few things, but i am definitely the black sheep and proud of it.