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Topic subjectRE: Maybe the SO is hopeful of an apology
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12812141&mesg_id=12812199
12812199, RE: Maybe the SO is hopeful of an apology
Posted by RobOne4, Thu May-21-15 08:03 PM
you know normally I wouldnt interfere with something like that. I mean I would call the police and hang in the back giving them info until they get there. But the fact that it was in front of the school right when the kids were getting out just really set me off.

The other incident was out of character as well. I am really cool and calm. Its rare that I get in shouting matches with anyone or even get pissed off by people. I am a big guy and because of that people rarely poke at me. But once I felt I was in danger I went nuts. After the whole thing ended I drove to my sons school and I was fuming still. I went out front and was talking to the same dad that pulled the guy out of the car with me yesterday. We were talking about that incident and he stopped and asked if I was okay because my hand was shaking. So I told him what happened and we both laughed about the mess. My wife has never seen me that angry and she said I hope I never do.