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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectUnder this type of criteria there will never be a communist regime.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12788741&mesg_id=12807376
12807376, Under this type of criteria there will never be a communist regime.
Posted by denny, Sun May-17-15 06:28 PM
I mean....there's also the somewhat popular interpretation that true communism must be a global event. The last line of the manifesto is 'Workers of the world unite'. And Marx himself said that a single communist country could not flourish in the presence of other capitalist countries. So a lot of Marxists argue there can never be 'true communism' unless it's a united, global front.

In anycase.....the critique you provided is fair. But under the same criteria.....there is no true 'capitalist' country neither. Both ideologies are utopias and extremely stringent if interpreted literally. Like, almost impossible to implement.

The United States is nothing like Adam Smith's capitalism. Academic capitalism has the same result as communism. Perfect equality where everybody has the exact same amount of wealth. A lot of people don't know that....but academic capitalism and communism are just two contrasting ideologies trying to achieve the same thing.