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Topic subjectRE: From my POV
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12802639&mesg_id=12802806
12802806, RE: From my POV
Posted by philpot, Tue May-12-15 12:49 PM
>You were very dismissive almost to the point of ridicule of
>Atillah Moor's thoughts and feelings of disenfranchisement and
>frustration with the WPS.

possibly...i didn't feel like i was ridiculing him/her at all, but i admittedly have read enough of Attilah's posts on these boards to feel that this is not an individual who is open to many viewpoints beyond those already held in his/her head.

but you're right in that i likely responded too much "in kind" to the post

>He has a right to feel how he feels and it is privileged for
>you to imply that because SOME white people have done studies
>etc that he shouldnt.

he has a right to how he feels, absolutely. what i have a hard time with is feeling that my honest response to what he said was based in a feeling of privelege. possibly it is, but this sets me on a slippery slope where anytime i have any slight disagreement with a Black person, on whatever issue, that it is simply my privelege...

so what this would lead one to do is simply to not respond, to stay quiet and not try to increase my understanding of the issues.

i understand fatalism and negativity...i've been there...any rigid cosmology or view of the world that purports complete and total understanding tends to lead towards these things, particularly for people in oppressed groups.

so like, Michelle Alexander, right...do you think she wrote the New Jim Crow just for Black people to read to get depressed? or do you think that she wrote it with the intent that Americans and others of all stripes might read it, evaluate it, understand the information and work towards dismantling/reforming the primary institution where white supremacy functions in our society (the JUSTICE system)?

i've seen people call this the Bible of the New CRM, rightfully so...from what i gather from Attilah, her writing the book would be pointless because all is bad, nothing will ever change, all whites are hateful and all Blacks are consigned to eternal oppression unless...idk...idk...

>You also derailed by presuming that he didnt know that in fact
>white people have done work in racism and anti racism.

that was in direct response to what he said...am i to ignore what folks actually say in my responses to them because i may appear to be talking down to them?

and FWIW, me coming across as "talking down" is a lifelong issue that is certainly not limited to my interactions with Black people...