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Topic subjectso you are a fatalist
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12802737, so you are a fatalist
Posted by philpot, Tue May-12-15 12:20 PM
>75% of whites have no friends outside of their ethnic group
>That same number also claims no interaction with black people

well, that leaves 25% that do...obviously you have large areas of the country that skew these numbers...but i see you quote that study a lot on here though, as if it so validates your preconceived notions about people that you are clinging to it as a shield of righteous armor

who was responsible for the study? white people? if there were white people involved in the study then why do you not see this as the ability of some to engage in objective analysis of the situation?

>40% think black men are naturally violent
>That's all I need to know.

of course it is. because if you can cherry pick info from a study that confirms your pre-held beliefs, then you can stop the process of knowledge and understanding and claim to be among the truly knowing and enlightened. I understand the impulse.

>>plenty of white people have studied, wrote, worked on and
>>discussed the ramifications of systemic racism...i know that
>>this does not fit into the world order you have created in
>>your mind, but to ask for objectivity from others is foolish
>>when you are incapable of it yourself.
>Who cares what white people have learned about the evil white
>people have done? You state that like it should mean something

what i am saying is that white scholars and historians have done actual, yknow, work to expose a lot of things in regards to race in America and how it has functioned to maintain white supremacist ideology

but you write these scholars and historians, and activisits as well, out of the picture because, again, it does not fit into the worldview that you must fit things into in order to avoid your own congnitive dissonance...

again, i understand the impulse to "have it all figured out", i understand the impulse to view the "enemy" and create a mirror image of the enemy in response...but you should not be speaking on anything resembling objectivity from anyone if you can not muster it yourself.

>I don't expect or ask for objectivity. White supremacy can not
>offer such things.

but human beings can objectively look at things...human beings can also honestly express how they see situations...

these are, again, things you do not appear to want because they threaten the world you have built in your mind...i don't know if it's ego, fear, stubborness or what, but you as an individual certainly do not appear able to listen to or hear anyone or anything that does not fit your neat little white and black boxes