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12802682, ...
Posted by philpot, Tue May-12-15 11:51 AM
>Can a man understand childbirth or menopause?

a man cannot know what it *feels* like, but there are men who are doctors who are trained in dealing with these conditions that are limited to women.

there are also comparable things like passing kidney stones that can give a man understanding of what the pain of childbirth may be like without experiencing the full range of pain that a woman goes through

also using the male/female dichotomy to compare race is highly illogical and will lead to very fallacious analysis

this isn't to undermine your point that whites can never walk in Black peoples shoes, i'm just weary of fallacious metaphors

>White people can't really understand systemic racism or its
>effects and even if they could have an unemotional discussion
>about it the result would not be a decrease in systemic racism
>or even race bias in general. Black males, women, and families
>will still be the target of white supremacy regardless.

this is nonsensical fatalism and broad brush willful ignorance

it seems to me that your cosmology blocks you from being able to see anything but limited degrees of the situation.

plenty of white people have studied, wrote, worked on and discussed the ramifications of systemic racism...i know that this does not fit into the world order you have created in your mind, but to ask for objectivity from others is foolish when you are incapable of it yourself.