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Topic subjectOk Financials does this seem like a good idea?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12802567&mesg_id=12802567
12802567, Ok Financials does this seem like a good idea?
Posted by MEAT, Tue May-12-15 10:46 AM
I have a chance to take out a loan at 2% interest and no early payback penalty

I'd use this loan to pay for any of the items that I'd have had charged off due to being unemployed.

With issues being wiped off my credit report I could reasonably rebuild my credit

The loan would be my current contribution to my retirement plan. The agency matching and bonus would be inaccessible, so I'm not "giving up" my retirement plan for short term gain

During the borrowing/repayment period I'd still be making payments and have matching contributions.

The goal is to repair my credit as quickly as possible which will allow me to have better flexibility with money in the future. I hope to do this by leveraging money that I have saved with not much risk involved.

I've made some mistakes in the past with money and just want to be thought out with this.