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Topic subjectweird to say, but I think it depends on her personal drive
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12801927&mesg_id=12801985
12801985, weird to say, but I think it depends on her personal drive
Posted by T Reynolds, Mon May-11-15 02:34 PM
if I have a son to become the family doctor / lawyer, I can stand to have my daughter be a teen Mom (lol)

my preference is obviously for her to abort and continue her education, find her career path or passion, but some young people just don't have that drive and are meant for much simpler things

It's not the end of the world for her to have the baby, and as long as the financial and emotional burden doesn't fall SQUARELY on myself or my wife (fully knowing much of it will), I could support her having the baby happily, too

I'm admittedly kind of torn having had my ex have an abortion at around 22 y.o.