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Topic subjectgood ep, i loved sansa at dinner with the boltons
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12778969&mesg_id=12801363
12801363, good ep, i loved sansa at dinner with the boltons
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Mon May-11-15 06:57 AM
i was wondering did LF leave some Vale guards with her at winterfell or did he just leave her alone, i feel like she is too high born not to have guards about. she should never have walked down the kennel tunnel alone based on the urgings of a complete stranger

but anywho

the greyworm and missandei stuff, shoot me now

but dany using her dragons per daario's advice was great

hzdar's bitch ass lol smh, dany very much gave what happened to valar morghulis, now u on ur knees begging lol

i had no qualms with this ep besides the greyworm love story but next episode better be kings landing heavy, which it appears it will be