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Topic subjectRE: Why are there records of human beings living for hundreds of years?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12799578&mesg_id=12800988
12800988, RE: Why are there records of human beings living for hundreds of years?
Posted by godleeluv, Fri May-08-15 09:57 PM
I believe that I will live long because my mind develops slow. However I recently started to subscribe to the fact that I'm getting older. Something I never did before.

My heart is still young. But prior to this mental change my life and physical persona were young. After the change which came from me saying I'm getting old I need to do this or that, I started noticing stress changing my personal view and then physical persona.

I'm not all the way there....mentally old. But something has changed.

Fresh beginnings have always kept me "young"

Being stagnant and the change on my personal outlook have caused me to age.

So yes, I believe it is possible to live to a really old age. But I don't believe people want to. Our will is powerful. We may not want to die because of fear but we also may be scared to live. And when we don't grow we become stagnant. When we loose our will to grow we die mentally and our bodies eventually follow suit.

People who are always growing and always feeding their minds and bodies live longer. Most of us reach a point where we think, is this it...and start to settle...so we are surviving because we are scared to die but dying because we are scared to live. Early death can occur from that. Then there are unexpected deaths which we can't control.

Long story short. I believe that we can help the youth live longer if we teach them early to value health. Dibble and dabble in vices if you may but don't let the negative times longer or you life will be shortened, even if its just mentally. Because mental health contributes to your heart pump.