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Topic subjectAnd it's not even a different part - the Biblical timelines come from the same
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12800355, And it's not even a different part - the Biblical timelines come from the same
Posted by soulfunk, Fri May-08-15 09:37 AM
place...creationists get the 4000 year old age of earth from the Bible verses listing the generations of Adam down through Noah, Abraham, David, all the way through Jesus at the beginning of the New Testament. Those specific passages listing "so and so begat so and so, and lived 900 years on the earth" are where creationists get BOTH the age of the Earth and the lifespans of people in the Bible.

So how can one be literal and the other be allegorical?

>but yeah, how are you going to cite the same book as the
>source of your inquiry then dismiss another part of that book?
>lol, c'mon son.