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Topic subjectI'mma go all sports here
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12800079&mesg_id=12800289
12800289, I'mma go all sports here
Posted by placee_22, Fri May-08-15 08:36 AM
NES: (tie) Double Dribble/Tecmo Bowl/Blades of Steel
SNES: NBA Live 95
PS1: Gamebreaker (college football- terrible yet awesome at the same time)
N64: FIFA(whatever year it came out) *
PS2: Madden 02
XBOX: College Basketball 2K3
PS3: NCAA Football 09

*The real answer for N64 is Goldeneye, but I said all sports.