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Topic subjectRE: Maybe people used to live longer?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12799578&mesg_id=12799840
12799840, RE: Maybe people used to live longer?
Posted by initiationofplato, Thu May-07-15 02:15 PM
>Maybe the Sphinx and Pyramids pre-date the flood.

The Sphinx and Pyramids were set on the Nile. They traced the path of the Nile back thousands of years in order to establish this, and also determined that they predated the Egyptian culture by thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians built their culture around the relics they themselves discovered.

>dinosaurs and humans did walk the earth together as seemingly
>suggested by certain temple carvings in Asia.

Anything is possible. I can't speak on this topic but I would like to see some of those temple carvings if you have links readily available.

Maybe the
>scientific community knows this and keeps it from the public?
>Maybe it doesn't. Maybe it's all hogwash.

I believe there is a lot we are not being told, however, I do not think that has to stop us from realizing our full potential and beyond.