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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectA few things
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12778969&mesg_id=12797423
12797423, A few things
Posted by Hitokiri, Tue May-05-15 08:40 AM
>They are known for being fierce and unwavering on the field
>of battle. Organized in large regiments not small lil bands
>The harpies were like 50 deep on like 8-10 and they *did*
>ambush them

Unsullied are most renowned on the battlefield but were also often sold in small groups to be used as guards. Implying that they are trained in a way that they can in fact work just fine in small groups.

They are trained from 5 years old in the use of spears and short swords. Short swords are used in close quarter combat.

They're most effective tactic is the phalanx. It should really be second nature to them. So, you know when you're being attacked from multiple angles -- shield wall, spears out, dead harpies. It is how they've been raised. Against unarmored, robed guys, with daggers.

A group of 3,000 Unsullied famously fought off a Khalasar of 20,000 men. By working together... like they've been trained to do since they were 5.

You all still seem to refuse to address how attacking in such a large group and leaving a trail of your dead (how many would you say 15-20?) to be identified is extremely bad for business when you're a underground, secret organization.

And finally for kicks
