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12794965, Answer
Posted by Case_One, Thu Apr-30-15 04:34 PM
>trying to derail this post, but it came across my mind this
>past weekend.
>(for reference, I was in a church running sound for a church
>convention about how to recruit and accept Latinos/Hispanics
>into the Episcopal church.)
>The question though is do Pastors typically pay tithes and
>offerings as well? In all my years of church, both backstage
>and in the congregation, I don't personally recall a Pastor
>putting tithes in the plate.
>I'm assuming (if anything) that they maybe have it deducted
>from their pay? or like put into the pot to make ends meet if
>necessary. Or I guess it's also possible that they don't
>*have* to since they are presiding over the church (not in any
>negative way).
>I guess that is to say what would be nice from a pastor is
>full disclosure and transparency. That and the purpose to be
>one to serve the church, not to have the church serve them.
>Your church shouldn't be your building, it should be your

I guess it all depends on the Pastor and his situation. Some pastors give their tithes/offerings to an usher, amor bearer, or an administrative person during the service. Sometimes, they give their tithes or offerings before the service. Sometimes their tithes or offerings are taken out of their checks via direct deposit. But I have seen many many pastor try to be an example by giving their tithes/offerings during the service.

But from my experiences I have never know a Pastor to NOT give tithes & offerings. That would be out of line.

"And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful." ~ 2 Tim 2:4