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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectOn a scale of 1-10, how inappropriate/unprofessional is this holler?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12793064&mesg_id=12793064
12793064, On a scale of 1-10, how inappropriate/unprofessional is this holler?
Posted by Government Name, Tue Apr-28-15 03:48 PM
Two of my coworkers went to a meeting with company that wanted to partner on a project. They get there, meet with the producer for an hour or two, and then leave.

Producer dude sends a follow up email with the usual, "nice meeting you, blah blah, hope to run into you at _____ event. ". My coworker (who doesnt notice that the other coworker wasnt copied on the email) responds "nice meeting you too, i'll be at _____ event, hope to see you there!"

well, bul responds "maybe we can meet sooner than that. Maybe dinner, coffee, a walk?" and some other generic old man flirting sh*t.


I understand getting your shot off, but in a work email after a professional meeting with someone you are likely going to continue working with in the near future? the coworker is annoyed bc now he's made things awkward, but she doesn't want to 100% assume that he wasnt just being friendly (c'mon now) or wanted to discuss the project or a job opp, etc. Note: she's married and uninterested in dude (says he's at least 10 years older and unattractive. i wonder if he was younger and better looking if this woulda be as offensive to her, lol)

What is her next step? The company is probably gonna keep working with his company, he wasnt disrespectful, so its not like she wants him reprimanded or anything. Sh*t's bothering her tho. i say ignore it, he'll get the point and keep it moving but she's racking her brain for potential replies (most of which are friendly enough to give dude a glimmer of hope, smh) trying to figure out his intent...

how f*cked up was this on his part? part of me is like you miss 100% of the shots you dont take. but women have to be able to work with people without having to entertain hollers -- at the very least, during work hours via work channels...