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Topic subjectthis is where all of this talk becomes absurd.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12788146&mesg_id=12788905
12788905, this is where all of this talk becomes absurd.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Apr-23-15 03:38 PM
b/c there's more to eating and health than calories.

one shouldn't eat a 2000 calorie diet where all of the calories come from fatty junk foods not necessarily b/c those calories are 'worse' than calories that come from kale or the like...but b/c if one only eats fatty junk foods one is likely to miss many key nutrients found in foods like kale and the like. but even a 2000 calorie diet w/nothing but kale is a terrible idea b/c kale doesn't supply all of the nutrients and other stuffs our body needs to function at its best.

eating well is common sense but ppl complicate it needlessly - usually by searching for short cuts. eating all kale doesn't make good sense any more than all junk food. clearly the better more sensical option is to eat a diet rich in a variety of foods including green leafy bullshit like kale AND some fatty junk shit like Twinkies. balance that shit out. clearly it makes better sense to eat more kale and the like than Twinkies. fucking duh! i don't need some article in some newsrag or any blog post to tell me that shit. my grandmother told me that shit. my auntie did. my father did. my teachers did. DUH. PSAs on TV did. hell, the old school Food Pyramid told me that shit. more importantly, MY BODY tells me that - b/c i feel like hell after i eat junk food but i feel energized after i eat healthy foods. DUH.