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Topic subjectRE: there's a big difference between being in a relationship with
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12787614&mesg_id=12787970
12787970, RE: there's a big difference between being in a relationship with
Posted by Ted Gee Seal, Wed Apr-22-15 05:52 PM
>to this what you want to draw lines around
>i take relationship with to mean, someone i will be living
>with intimately consider them my family, perhaps starting a
>thats a totally different relationship from the public
>services, personal contact lines you are drawing in the sand
>lets not slippery slope this particular issue

Why can't I slippery slope it? If you're going to give people the side eye, I'm interested to know where the cut off is.

>>So, where's the line? Would you do business with them? Allow
>>them access to public services? If we can have an
>>prison sentence as a pre-requisite, what's the dividing line
>>for what kind of personal contact is appropriate with
>>who has done something heinous, if we're going to completely
>>ignore the possibility of rehabilitation. Shit, why not just
>>kill them then?
>the dividing line is if i will have them in my bed and my
>come on. maybe we should have started by defining

I don't have to come on. It's a question. You can answer it simply with the first sentence, or add all the extra stuff at the end. The first one would have done it fine though. So apparently you'd be happy with them being your hypothetical child's teacher then?

>>Once you go down this personal judgement road of what's
>>eye-opening in regards to letting a criminal who has served
>>their time to carry on a normal life afterwards,
>im fine with them having a normal life
>im not about to get into a relationship with them
>im glad to see some people would be willing to overlook that
>im not.
>the rest of that where does that line stop and all that is

Maybe to you it is. I'm free to ask the question, you're free to get defensive. It's a message board.

If you're going to deny them a relationship and side eye anyone who does, it doesn't seem to me that you are prepared to have them live a normal life.

>and y'all need to stop acting all saints
>theres a reason there's an element of choice in being in a
>some of that choice is based on certain principles and ethical

Yes, there is an element of choice. I wanted to see what principles underlined those choices, and how they might affect other interactions with these people. You and legsdiamond got defensive. Fair enough.