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Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12787614&mesg_id=12787895
12787895, sure.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Apr-22-15 04:00 PM
i think that even if that's true it's no reason to ostracize those ppl from life forever w/no hope. i think even pedophiles are still ppl - and just like the rest of us it's not exactly fair to define them forever based on one act or one characteristic.

so if i knew a guy who is perfect for me who at some point in his past committed an act of pedophilia and won't repeat that behavior (as per the hypo in the OP) i would likely give the relationship a chance.

IRL if i find out a guy i otherwise find to be perfect has committed an act of pedophilia in his past i dunno that i'd immediately break the deal based on that info. i'd need to know more about him and probably more about the bad act(s) before i can say. but i wouldn't necessarily walk away from him based on that knowledge.