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Topic subjectbreh this is some overly hypothetical and/or green ass shit
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12787712, breh this is some overly hypothetical and/or green ass shit
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Wed Apr-22-15 01:47 PM
>*a rapist

>*a dope fiend
>*a pedophile
>*a prostitute
>*a terrorist

why don't you throw white supremacist in there, too? i don't trust them ex skinhead types because even if they changed their views, they still had the rage inside them in the first place. they might just redirect it now.

same thing with a rapist, and there there is an undercurrent of natural destructiveness and objectifying, even more so with the pedophile.

a dope fiend, a *real fiend* aint gonna come out the other side 100%. youve fucked with your brain chemistry and emotional state too much. if they were just a user or someone who had a minor problem, OK, that's different.

prostitution is a similar vice, after a certain point the girls are so intertwined in terms of their lifestyle and the act that it becomes something they feel compelled to do, even if better opportunities or some stability is there. it's *real*. and the effects of someone throwing down a little cash to abuse you sexually/physically are not to be taken lightly. i could see becoming involved with someone sexually and even trying to help them a little, but please believe this is more of a lost cause than you think. pretty woman was a lie.

a terrorist? lmao. i'm good off that, too.

you're trying to make this out (probably a spinoff from ndibs thread?) like people have these irrational hangups, right? they're not irrational. certain shit is worth running from or at least not getting involved *too deep* with. i am all for helping people, befriending them, whatever, but making them your partner *in life?* fuck. and. naw.