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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectlol see the results is what draws you in
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12785635&mesg_id=12785824
12785824, lol see the results is what draws you in
Posted by Lach, Mon Apr-20-15 02:57 PM
>I have been able to do 4 days a week without crying but I
>don't want to live in the gym. I just want to be fit!! Be able
>to do physical activities without fatigue and be healthy.
>I'm not going to lie though... I was super excited to see my
>second ab coming through!! I wasn't even aiming for abs!

I was the same way. I use to work out a couple times a week and was like ehhh. But when I started to see little results here and there I started working out with my buddies who are trainers and then got hooked. Now I work out 6 days a week targeting different muscle groups each day so that I hit each muscle group twice a week. I spend more money on protein powder now each month than I do going out lol.