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Topic subjectEp 2 takes (as if you care).
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12785775, Ep 2 takes (as if you care).
Posted by PROMO, Mon Apr-20-15 02:06 PM
- shame on ya if you didn't see Jon Snow becoming the commander of the Night's Watch. it will be interesting now if as commander, he can get the Wildlings to fight for Stannis. Snow is the most natural leader in the realm, and I won't be shocked when it's revealed * POSSIBLE SPOILER I DON'T KNOW IF THIS IS TRUE SO DON'T SHOOT ME IF IT IS YOU CAN STOP READING IF NEEDED * that he is somehow of the bloodline of the Targaryen/Baratheon/etc. families who can lay claim to the throne and that he is one day the king.

- Arya is likely going to get the training she needs to make good on some if not all of her list.

- what was most fascinating to me is where Daenerys is going. i think it's interesting because we know she's the Mad King's daughter, and who know if his madness will be inherited but we did see some faulty decision making. also, Varys seems to think she's got next and will make the best ruler, but she is obviously struggling with her role of ruling Mereen, AND she seems to not have much pull with her trump card - her dragons. 2 are locked up and pissed at her, and the other one is loose and while it seems like they have a connection, Drogon is like i gotta go out in the world and be me. so right now i feel like maybe Daenerys isn't the ONE we all think she was gonna be. but, alert, there is a twist...we did see Varys and Tyriann discussing how they could never be rulers, but how much Tyriann enjoyed being in power even in a subordinate role and this is where it gets interesting because can Daenerys be the star QB and Tyriann the coach that leads them to that title? She's lost now but he could have his power and use his smarts just like he did as the king's hand to make it all good.

- the rest of the episode i didn't care too much for. Jamie and Bronn going off to protect the Lannister girl? meh. Brienne chasing after Sansa to fulfill her oath to Lady Stark? meh.