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Topic subjectRE: for real. it's strange how much people have turned on DC
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12784564&mesg_id=12784724
12784724, RE: for real. it's strange how much people have turned on DC
Posted by bwood, Sat Apr-18-15 06:35 AM
>MOST of Man of Steel was dope IMO, the final fight scene was
>the Batman's were all good with great moments, and some stupid
>Green Lantern SUCKED
>but here, I just hope they have a good story to tell and
>I was not familiar with the way Batty and Supes fought in the
>comics. Read up on it today and it sucks they didn't go with
>Miller's pawn of the government while Gotham is plagued by
>crime angle and Bats defends the city against Supes working
>for the gov
>after Supe's has saved the city from Zod why would humans turn
>on him? bwood right, they should've slowed the roll and built
>this up more. A Bat movie, one more Supe's movie, could've
>even made them lean 90min romps to lead into Bat v Sup within
>a 9month time table

And that's my problem right there. We got this, Suicide Squad (which is a villain team up that'll only feature a Batman cameo), Wonder Woman and then Justice League And from what I understand the other League members are only gonna have an extended cameo in the films leading up to the team up. SMH...