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Topic subjectIn addition to what SoWhat said, consider this...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12780908&mesg_id=12781370
12781370, In addition to what SoWhat said, consider this...
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Wed Apr-15-15 05:24 AM
Sam Cooke was Aretha's mentor.
His first "secular" song was a song called "Lovable", which was originally a gospel
song called "Wonderful".
Wonderful lyrics: "Wonderful. God is so wonderful"
Lovable lyrics: "Lovable. My Girl is so lovable"
Exact same melody... just different words.
He was performing as a traveling gospel singer at the time. When the church folks
heard "Lovable" on the radio, they protesting in the congregation while he was singing "Wonderful".
That's when he made his final decision to crossover completely.
But don't believe me, just watch...