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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectEvery minute of every day
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12779322&mesg_id=12779896
12779896, Every minute of every day
Posted by BootyGreen, Mon Apr-13-15 04:22 PM
I was supposed to have graduated college (undergrad) in May 2000. Messed around, failed a few classes, applied for financial aid too late my last semester there, and ended up owing a grip to the school. Fast fwd 15 years later, I'm a 37 year old without a bachelor's, when I should have had a PhD by now. I desperately want to go back and finish but my school won't release my transcripts until I pay them the money I owe them in full. One mistake will f#ck you up for the rest of your life. Please tell your kids to graduate from college on time unless they want to be broke and destitute. Does this classify as guilt lol?