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Topic subjectgirls be getting frustrated when a dude they friendzoned be thinking
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12779248&mesg_id=12779634
12779634, girls be getting frustrated when a dude they friendzoned be thinking
Posted by Cenario, Mon Apr-13-15 01:22 PM
they have a shot. See, i took that as a 95% chance that she wanted to bone but just didn't want to be direct it with it. I woulda stopped and inquired at the first no tho. She woulda been annoyed at my forwardness if she really just wanted an escort home.

yeah, i reread what i wrote and i see how it came off as rapey lol Not what i meant at all. I started writing one thought, paused to do something, and came back and finished what i was thinking at the time.