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Topic subjectShe shouldn't have driven home...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12779248&mesg_id=12779448
12779448, She shouldn't have driven home...
Posted by StephBMore, Mon Apr-13-15 11:53 AM
she has some terrible friends...she should have called a cab or something if she was so messed up she couldn't make better decisions.

now to be honest, i have had male friends take me home when i was drunk and i am sure to not invite them in because that's how bad situations happen. sorry but it's true, and i'm not big enough to fight anyone and sometimes men will pressure you into doing things you don't want to do...i have seen it, experienced it, etc. it's unfortunate because there are good men out there....

but she mad a lot of bad decisions.

she can tell her husband but he will probably be pissed, and she needs to prepare for the worst case scenario (i assume that's divorce). also would she want to know if her husband did the same?