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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectmy man, i am praying for you that this treatment is successful
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12777161&mesg_id=12777671
12777671, my man, i am praying for you that this treatment is successful
Posted by poetx, Fri Apr-10-15 09:27 AM
and that your mind can once again be at peace.

this sounds like a horrible thing to go through and it's operating at some kind of primal level where your rational thoughts and understanding can't override it. that's scary.

thank you for sharing this. hopefully it will be a blessing to others suffering from some kind of mental or emotional illnesses. and i also pray that it will be blessing to you, and that you derive, at the very least, some support and comfort from our community and that the knowledge that there are people out here who have heard your struggles, but still love you and wish the best for you will be a source of strength to you, no matter how small.

when we're fighting big things we need all the help we can get.

peace & blessings,



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focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad