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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectWow.. peace and best to you. I know you'll work through it.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12777161&mesg_id=12777381
12777381, Wow.. peace and best to you. I know you'll work through it.
Posted by Phenomenality, Thu Apr-09-15 09:36 PM
it really is interesting the way the human brain works. one of my best friends has severe anxiety and the things that trigger her are pretty specific. watching her go through it..

she deals with social anxiety but then fairly recently it transformed into a type of ocd.. pulling out hair.. she's feels like her follicles are going to get infected or something. she shaved her head (had waist length beautiful hair) and even her eyebrows and clips her eyelashes.. she dealt with mild to moderate anxiety for years then it got severe then over the last year it turned into the other stuff. she spends HOURS a day in the mirror.. like 4 or 5 sometimes.

she is brilliant. wise. talented. she's an artist... her paintings blow my mind. you'd NEVER know she deals with any of this because she functions normally (other than not going out when she's going through it too much) but she wears a hat all the time and is super beautiful so people just think she pulled off a dope sinead oconner haircut and is rocking it. they don't know that she felt she HAD to cut it off.

so far she hasn't sought new treatment for the newest issues.. she just lives with it. doesn't go out much but will have spurts here and there where she can be around people. she had dealt with some pretty radical depression about 5 years ago when the anxiety set in and actually did some EST for it. seemed to help a bit.. she's been on all different meds but she hates how they make her feel so she goes off for months and mentally deals with it and comes to all these revelations about her life.

its amazing and inspiring to walk this walk with her.

im so proud of you for talking openly about this and i think its a strong part of recovery. i have no doubt you'll get through this.

on another note.. would you consider using emu oil on your hands or would the thought of that make you uncomfortable? its a natural bacteriostatic (inhibits growth and reproduction of bacteria) and incredibly healing.. might be so so good for your hands.

some more info:

will not irritate even the most sensitive skin
does not clog pores, goes on light and absorbs immediately
hydrates and super-oxygenates to thicken skin and help hold moisture
plumps up your skin’s underlying layer reducing fine lines and wrinkles
relieves itching and inflammation
calms redness and lightens age spots
hastens healing and reduces scarring

even more detail:

What Skin Disorders respond to emu oil?

Emu Oil's ability to deliver moisture and macro-nutrients to the skins very deepest levels enhances the body's ability to respond to many different skin conditions. Dr Barry Sears, renowned researcher and author believes that part of Emu Oil's power lies in its high level and wide variety of Eicosanoids (hormone like compounds) and refers to some of the healing mechanisms he has witnessed as the "X" factor. On a basic level we know these hormones trigger our bodies to increase blood flow to an area where the Emu Oil is applied. We also know that some of these hormones encourage the individual cells to soften their outer shells to allow more oxygen in and more toxins out. These two activities alone can significantly improve overall skin health. However, Dr. Sears speculates that we are only scratching the surface on what other benefits there may be. Emu oil relieves the symptoms of Eczema, Psoriasis, Rosacea, Lupus, Shingles and many other pigment, pressure and fungal conditions.

again.. really wish the best for you. can't wait to hear how it was if you choose to share this with us.

awesome post!


Vee is I and I am She

