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Topic subjectBeing there to see it happen, then being able to revisit with a mature
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12775408, Being there to see it happen, then being able to revisit with a mature
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Wed Apr-08-15 12:16 PM
and developed standpoint, means it's surely threaded into my fiber. Hell, even then, it was into my fiber.

Not sure if growing up in L.A. makes it even more of a case, but I would say so...Magic Johnson = Lakers, Riots, Biggie/Pac, OJ Trial...all of that was L.A. So it surely impacted me more than a lot of folks who just happened to see it on TV or read about it.

I mentioned it on Twitter last week...I feel like Magic is like, THE reason I've still to this day never had sex without a condom. And many kids my age are the same...we learned what a condom was because of that.

ALL my feelings about Race were developed early, due to the Riots and then OJ case. Seeing my teachers reaction in contrast to my classmates when they let OJ off...I KNEW it was more to it than just "oh, a murderer got off."

And once again, the KEY phrase is: "grew up in"....not "completely developed and solidified in"...growing up = growing up. Like...learning about things, not even understanding some tings until later, while some things were understood RIGHT away.

AND...even to say "you had to be a teen in the 90's"....Teen = 13-17 unless you count the 18-19 adult years. But in most cases, that's 13-17, and I was 13-15 in the 90's, half my teen years.