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Topic subjectholder shoulda sprinkled undercover feds in major city PDs
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12773571&mesg_id=12774317
12774317, holder shoulda sprinkled undercover feds in major city PDs
Posted by Riot, Tue Apr-07-15 03:22 PM
the actual brutality and misconduct gets justified and vindicated time after time.

only thing that is really getting anybody caught up, is when the racist emails are found in the precinct

and once that story went national 3 or 4 times, im sure mad other PDs just deleted their emails off the server(c)hilary

and back to business as usual

the independent prosecutor angle, everyone seemed to agree 'yea that does kinda makes sense...', and then it was immediately shelved

holder did say he is working on lowering the bar for civil rights violations/convictions

as far as the protests and outrage, media gets bored, folks get numb.
fire alarm can only go off so many times b4 it becomes background noise

BUT- #blacklivesmatter is still happening, young ppl are still disrupting, agitating, etc. big vote today in ferguson.

the question then is how much is the protesting worth... and why did none of the big movements, economic buycott, etc catch on