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Topic subjectDumb things you used to believe as a teen/early adult
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12771263&mesg_id=12771263
12771263, Dumb things you used to believe as a teen/early adult
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Fri Apr-03-15 09:02 AM
I know we've had posts about all the naive, immature, "cute" things we used to believe as children. How about the things we believed later on, when our minds we're halfway developed?

For me...things like....
-I thought going to college meant you graduated and walked right into a job. And for my major (Computer Science), I thought it meant I would get a 90K job straight out of undergrad.

-I thought celebs or even semi-celebs could get ANY girl they wanted

-I thought I would never ever have gay friends. In HS, I remember telling someone, "what's the point of having a gay guy as a friend? They don't like Rap, Sports, or girls. What would we have in common?"

-I used to think that a good amount of women and even some guys would save themselves for marriage. Like, I would think that less than 1% actually do it now...but I thought the number was more like 10-15%.

-Until I visited message boards at 16-17, I thought White people who loved Rap loved Black people, and had no chance at being conservative. Rap music .com completely proved that wrong for me.

-After 2001 and especially 2002, I thought the Lakers would win at LEAST 5-6 more straight championships.