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Topic subjectATL: tired of the boring development, the Beltline to the rescue
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12767692&mesg_id=12767692
12767692, ATL: tired of the boring development, the Beltline to the rescue
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Tue Mar-31-15 09:19 AM


Beltline Committee Could Raise Bar on Development Design
Wednesday, March 25, 2015, by Josh Green

Fans of Atlanta's faux-Italian-villa-ization could have reason to be concerned. The Beltline is vowing to up the design ante for developments built within a half-mile of the multi-use trail and possible transit corridor, officials said this week. The Atlanta City Council has green-lighted a new Design Review Committee to be managed by the Beltline, which will aim to "achieve the highest design standards for all projects" in the Beltline planning area. The chain of command will start with this new committee, and they'll make recommendations to the city's Office of Planning, helping to ensure that projects meet the Beltine Overlay and master plans established back in 2007, officials said. And it sounds like future transit could be at the forefront of this committee's minds.

Regarding 'thoughtful, transit-oriented development' >>
The master plans address land use within a half-mile of the Beltline corridor. They're meant to create "a framework of thoughtful, transit-oriented development that supports future population growth and transit ridership," officials said, adding: "The DRC will help guide development according to those plans."

Consisting of eight members, the DRC will include three Beltline officials and one from the city with expertise in design, project management and community engagement. Other committee members — two independent architects, an independent city planning professional and a member of the TAD advisory committee with design experience — won't have ties to city government.

If you fit that billing, they want your 2 cents. Unless you're Urbanistor.

Beltline officials are seeking volunteers to fill three of the committee's independent positions. The right candidates will be willing to devote a few hours per month to reviewing permit applications and attending a meeting. Board members will be expected to serve two-year terms. Our future grandchildren will counting on you.

this is a step in the right direction. the glass residential towers were cool at first but 3 and 4 skyhouses later its turning the city into a completely bland cityscape, all the buildings should NOT look the same. not to mention all the same 4 story apartment complexes that have popped up all over city (around 4th ward park, midtown, edgewood shopping district one coming).

the biggest let down was the leonard on memorial drive! what an an eyesore, it a box of a building u would expect to find in office park somewhere in cobb! as someone who lived on that stretch of memorial drive for years and always wanted the empty lots i walked by daily to be developed, what they put up is just really really bad. place doesnt even have real balconies, just julliette.