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Topic subjectNahh...I mean, this is how I see it.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12766569&mesg_id=12767067
12767067, Nahh...I mean, this is how I see it.
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Mon Mar-30-15 03:49 PM
Snoop's absolute peak could be seen as Doggystyle, or either somewhere around 2001...basically in way different ways. Even though his prime never topped either period...everything he has done since then has still helped cement his overall legend.

Jay for sure...some folks feel he peaked/primed in 2001-2003, and hasn't been the same since Black Album. Yet, he made his biggest hit ever in 2009, and has become a giant at a completely different level...which was built on his success as a rapper, but took a lot more than that to carry him on.

So yeah, Pac and Biggie may have been at a commercial peak, but as long as they didn't blatantly fall off and become wack/weirdos (or even how Lauryn Hill became)...their lives would have still reached greater heights due to the combined accolades they would have acquired after death.

Kind of like how athletes are...MJ could have peaked in 93, or 96, but he still got rings after, still broke and set records after.