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Topic subjectNo, but I can infer. You've posted repeatedly...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12741629&mesg_id=12742479
12742479, No, but I can infer. You've posted repeatedly...
Posted by Mongo, Wed Mar-04-15 04:56 PM
...regarding homosexuality. Explicitly male homosexuality within the context of either political or religious conservatism. And while you claim this is done from a position of personal ambivalence and desire for positive dialog, there is generally an undertone of skepticism and disapproval -- that through some agency, whether personal choice, religious intervention, or rigorous re-education; homosexuality represents a 'lifestyle' that can somehow be influenced, mitigated or purged altogether.

If that's not the case, you've done very little to convince anyone otherwise.

Perhaps if you offered a more intellectually honest position, you'd be received with less hostility.

I've not read the New Testament in years, but I don't recall Jesus or any of his Apostles relying on thinly-veiled snark or trolling as a means of viable evangelical discourse.