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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectIt's the flavor, enjoyment, relaxation, and the social/sharing/hobby aspect.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12722103&mesg_id=12722241
12722241, It's the flavor, enjoyment, relaxation, and the social/sharing/hobby aspect.
Posted by Wonderl33t, Mon Feb-09-15 12:41 PM

>I attended a party recently and figured why not for the first
>Friends panicked figuring I would choke, I did fine
>But later on, we were discussing how they dont get you high or
>hit any addictive spot like nicotine does (to my knowledge,
>I've never smoked cigarettes)
>I'll probably do it again at some point, there's a cigar place
>not far from where I live. but what should I look to gain from
