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Topic subjectRE: You talked about hypocritcal porn lovin' christians
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12716879&mesg_id=12717615
12717615, RE: You talked about hypocritcal porn lovin' christians
Posted by c71, Tue Feb-03-15 04:38 PM
>>how can I be running from that?
>>I admit they exist and to that you say I'm grading
>>because "all sinners are sinners"
>What does that have to do with what I originally said and your
>response that I'm not a Christian anymore? You didn't just
>simply admit they exist, you tried to claim that I was making
>a statement about all Christians to move the fire elsewhere.
>What does that have to do with what I originally said and your
>response that I'm not a Christian anymore?

I'm going to take the effort to break down your reply #85:

>LOL at the divorced, kids out of
>wedlock, and/or porn lovin Christians"

that's nothing to laugh about. At all

>So busy wringing their hands
>over their prejudice and
>trying to dress it up as righteous
>anger. Funnily enough they're
>usually down for Cosby despite
>his serial cheating on his wife.

From this and the previous examined statement, you're saying there are some porn lovin christians (presumably in this post being) "prejudiced" and having "righteous anger".

This seems to be a comment on those christians who are exhibiting these traits in this post.

>Start holding them to task for
>those things and watch them
>cry about persecution, just
>as they delight in likewise
>'persecuting' those who don't
>meet their double standard of morality.

This seems to be an analysis of those christians in this post further.


Some more evaluations of those christians in this post.

uh, overall, I got a very negative evaluation of some christians from those statements.

and to analyze my reply #91:

>either I'm way off....but I thought you were christian at one

I don't expect christians to LOL and be all "their" and "them" about fellow christians ("so busy wringing their", "start holding them").

Seems like you were putting A LOT of separation between you and some christians.

>If you were, you've made quite the change.

I was sure most christians would not LOL and "their" and "them" fellow christians.