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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjecthanh?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12716879&mesg_id=12717544
12717544, hanh?
Posted by lfresh, Tue Feb-03-15 03:51 PM
>Do you think that a man, born and living as a man with male
>privilege for decades, can truly live as a woman without ever
>having to experience this patriarchal society as a woman

men are subjected to patriarchal societal demands as well
otherwise the controversy in this post wouldnt exist
its the rare is not non existent person on this earth
if not in this country that is not subjected to societal norms

>girls being told they're not equipped to do certain things,
>fear of being raped, catcalled, forced gender roles, etc.)? If
>so, do you recognize or believe that there is a distinction
>between a woman, born as a woman, and...Bruce Jenner? And
>please, I'm not a phobe of any kind. This questions doesn't
>come from a negative place. I have absolutely no problem with
>any of this as it has no impact on anything I do with my life.
>I'm just curious at how other women define and categorize
>their experience as women.

theres level's to this shit
like anything
it varies

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.